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Mary Stoner

I have looked forward to Blue Crew/ Panther Patrol since my first football game in my South Bosque Elementary years... I thought the group was a bunch of spirited and insane lunatics, but right then I made it a goal to become one of those insane lunatics. My name is Mary Stoner and I am one of the co-captains of Panther Patrol! I take part in PALS, theater, NHS, my youth group, I work at Calvary Baptist Church as the children's ministry intern, and remain to percolate with excitement for the people and adventures I have the opportunity to take part in! HURRY UP AND GET HERE FOOTBALL SEASON!!

Nic Key


Gabriella Carbonara


My name is Gabriella, and I am a SENIOR! Being Co Captain and a BCPP member has been such a blessing to my high school years. I am a PAL and a part of theatre One Act. I love life and I'm passionate about Jesus. I love making people smile and can't wait for another year of energized football games! Go Midway!


Jason Bandela


I was the perfect stereotype of a chunky boy, but now I’m a workout freak. My main goal was trying to find King Mickey while devouring endless bags of Hot Cheetos, but now I Adventure Waco in the quest to find the astonishing and extravagant secrets it has stored away. I use to be a picky eater, but now I stack burgers higher than a tall cup of Macchiato at Starbucks. I have an elf ear.


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